The TRU Science Department in Williams Lake

For Program Information Contact:
Rob Higgins
Marten Lettinga


Rob Higgins Photo Biology

Dr. Robert J. Higgins

Courses taught: BIOL 1110: Principles of Biology I; BIOL 1210: Principles of Biology II; BIOL 1590: Human Anatomy and Physiology I: BIOL 1690 Human Anatomy and Physiology II; BIOL 1050: Biology of Humans

Research Interests: Ecology of ants in sub-boreal forests and the management of coarse woody debris in post-harvest stands.

Research Webpage Link

Rob's Blog

Rob Higgins Photo Biology

Shel Myers B.Sc.

Courses taught: PNUR 1330: Human Anatomy and Physiology; BIOL 0600: Human Biology

Labs taught:BIOL 1110: Principles of Biology I; BIOL 1210: Principles of Biology 2; BIOL 1590: Human Anatomy and Physiology I: BIOL 1690 Human Anatomy and Physiology II; BIOL 1050: Biology of Humans

Research Interests: Fungal diversity and ecology in British Columbia

Marten Lettinga Photo Chemistry/Physics

Marten Lettinga B.Sc., M.Sc

Courses taught: CHEM 1500 Chemical Bonding and Organic Chemistry PHYS 1100: Fundamentals of Physics 1; CHEM 1510: Fundamentals of Chemistry; CHEM 1520: Principles of Chemistry; PHYS 1200: Fundamentals of Physics 2

Morten Nielsen Photo Mathematics

Dr. Morten H. Nielsen

Courses taught: MATH 1140: Calculus 1, MATH 1900: Principles of Math for Teachers

Research Interests: My main research interest is in the broad field of Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics; I am particularly interested in Graph Theory. The work in my Ph.D. thesis was mainly focused on path and cycle problems in (di)graphs, but also touched on other topics, such as graph colouring and toughness. Recently, my work (jointly with Dr. Ortrud Oellermann and Dr. Vaclav Linek) has focused on convexity and traceability problems in graphs and oriented graphs as well as on arc-colourings of digraphs.

My Erdös number is 2.

Morten's Blog

John Salvtore Photo University Preparation: Math/Physics

John Salvatore B.Eng.

Courses taught- CHEM 0500: Foundations of Chemistry 1; CHEM 0600: Foundations of Chemistry 2; PHYS 0500: Introduction to Physics 1; PHYS 0600: Introduction to Physics 2; MATH 0500: Introduction to Algebra; MATH 0510 : Algebra 2; MATH 0600: Pre-Calculus 1; MATH 0610: Pre-Calculus 2