Title: Methods for big data, sparsity, and environmental thresholds.
Years awarded: 2021 - 2026.
Amount: $18,000 * 5 + $12,500 = $102,500.
Research Training Recognition Fund, TRU: $8,949.21 (Fall 2024).
Research Training Recognition Fund, TRU: $8,949.21 (Fall 2023).
Research Training Recognition Fund, TRU: $7,900 (Fall 2022).
Research Training Recognition Fund, TRU: $7,900 (Fall 2021).
The Thompson Rivers University Internal Research Fund: $6,000, Research Project: Ensemble of models for big data with applications to genetics.
TRU Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Fund: $3,000, Research Project: Relationships between anthropogenic stresses and biological conditions of Detroit River Area of Concern (AOC).
Received honourable mention for my talk “Ensembling Classification Models Based on Phalanxes of Variables with Applications in Drug Discovery” in the SSC 2013 Annual Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Student Travel Award ($500), 2012, Statistical Society of Canada (SSC).
Faculty of Science Graduate Award ($12,084.71), September 2009 - August 2012, UBC.
Dr. Quazi Motahar Hossain Foundation Award, 1999, University of Dhaka.
Grant: $6,000, Research Project: Compiling and Assessing Environmental Stress Data for the Detroit River and Lake Erie, 2018.
Grant: $14,000, 2014, University of Toronto Internal Research Support, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Graduate Student Travel Fund ($500), 2012, Graduate Student Society, The University of British Columbia (UBC).
National Science and Technology Fellowship, 2000, University of Dhaka.