Figure printing instructions for Octave+LaTeX users ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Octave command to print: print(fig_number,'filename','-dtex','-S576,432') produces an eps image file and a tex file that is then called with \input{filename} File cleanup.m can help round the coordinates of all labels, but you do not have to use it. If you do, change the path to your file. Upon a successful run a file named filename_clean.tex is created. Use the provided example figure b1fig.tex to copy the commands that define the figure environment, image placement, caption, reference tag etc. You can also add or modify labels at will. Compilation instructions for command line users ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - run the latex command twice to get all references right - the result is log, aux and dvi files - dvipdf creates a pdf file out of the dvi file - if clean up is desired at the end of a work session, remove the redundant files The sequence of commands would be: latex sample.tex latex sample.tex dvipdf sample.dvi sample.pdf At the end: rm sample.aux sample.log sample.dvi or (be careful with the wild card *) rm *.aux *.log *.dvi