<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/download.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
It's a beautiful morning. You've had your coffee, and it's time to get on with your day.
You were going to build a shed, remember? You step out onto the back porch.
[[ To your right is your pickup truck, with a toolbox in the back|pickup truck]]
[[To your left, in the carport, you see an open toolbox|carport]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Toolbelt-scaled.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">
In the pickup truck toolbox, there is a carpenters apron with a speed square, a hammer, some 3" nails, a 4 foot spirit level, a circular saw and a tape measure. Are these the tools you need for the job? [[Yes|lumber pile]] or [[No|carport]]You have decided to check out the tools in the carport. Here, you open the toolbox and see a pipe wrench, a flat screw driver, a box of 2" screws and a can of paint. Are these the right tools for the job?, [[Yes|wrong tools]] or [[no|pickup truck]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Paint-Supplies-scaled.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">
Congrat's, you're on the right track. Here is a pile of lumber you bought from the building supply. There are about 20 pieces of lumber for studs, several pieces of lumber that will work for plates and there is some plywood for sheathing. Now you can begin building your shed [[true|shed]] or [[false|second pile]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/How-Much-Does-2x4-Lumber-Weigh.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">You have realized you can't build a shed without a floor. In this pile of lumber you will find some pier blocks and some pressure treated floor and box joist material, as well as some t&g floor sheathing. You can now begin to build your shed. [[true|worksite]] or [[false|should have started building]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Shed-Foundation-Options.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">[[You can't build your shed without a floor, go back and have another cup of coffee, then try again|start]]You have worked all day and have finished the floor and walls of your shed. Your shed is finished and you are all done and can move on to some other project next weekend. [[true|need a roof]] or [[false|tarp]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Walls-framed-scaled.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">
[[You can't build your shed with these tools, go back and have another cup of coffee and try again|start]][[You could have started building your floor by now, but you obviously need another cup of coffee, and you can try again|start]][[Your shed isn't going to keep anything dry without a roof. You really need a stiff cup of coffee and try again|start]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Roof-on-scaled.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">
Under a tarp at the back of the yard is some roof sheathing, some rafter lumber and some asphalt shingles. You can now build the roof over your shed and call it a day, good job. [[coffee|deck]] or [[cold beer|deck2]]Good days work, try and enjoy that coffee while everyone around you is enjoying their cold beer, or dump that coffee out and [[have an ice cold beer|deck2]]
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/7417277946_9241b1443a_b-700x506-1.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">Sit down and relax with everyone and enjoy that ice cold beer. Great job!
<img src="http://wdesautels.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1786/2022/11/Beer-on-the-Bar.jpg" width="60%" height="60%">