Application procedure for May 2013 field course
BIOL 4100 - Field Methods in Marine Ecology

1. The course has a capacity of 10 students.  Fourth year students needing this course to graduate that year will be given priority.  Otherwise, students will be accepted into the course on a first-come, first-served basis.
2. Submit applications for BIOL 4100 to Louis Gosselin (Research Centre room 203;  Applications must be received by Louis Gosselin by Monday January 21.  Students will be informed as to whether they are accepted into the course by Tuesday January 26.

3.  Accepted students must pay registration fees for the course by Friday January 25.  Fees are to be paid to the TRU cashier.  If registration fees are not paid on time, the space will be made available to other students on the wait-list.

4.  In addition to the registration fee, a course fee ($1750.00 per student) is required to cover the costs of accommodation, meals, boat use during the course, equipment & supplies, use of facilities, etc.  A $500 deposit towards course fees must be paid by January 25 (also to the cashier).  An amount of $200 of that fee is non-refundable.  The rest of the course fee will be due in early March.

5.  The field course will last 14 days; it is expected to begin Monday April 29 and end Sunday May 12, inclusively.  Students are expected to arrive at BMSC in the evening of Sunday April 28.  Students are responsible for their transportation to BMSC and for their return to Kamloops at the end of the course.  Car-pooling with other students for travel to and from BMSC is encouraged.

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Updated 4 January 2013