BIOL 3030
Assignment - seminar 7 
Personal activity: No report
Basic population growth models

Two distinct populations of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) exist along the southern shores of South America.  In the first population there are currently 2800 individuals, whereas there are 1920 penguins in population 2.  The first penguin population has a birth rate of 73 births per 1000 individuals per year and a death rate of 54 deaths per 1000 individuals per year.  The second population has a birth rate of 114 births per 1000 individuals per year and a death rate of 138 deaths per 1000 individuals per year.  Magellanic penguins only reproduce once a year, all females giving birth at the same time.

1. Simulate what would happen to these 2 populations over the next 20 years.  Calculate the parameters and plot the growth of these populations.  Then briefly compare and contrast the growth of these populations over the 20 year period.  If there are any differences in patterns of growth among these 2 populations, explain why these differences occur. Discuss the relative importance of birth rate and death rate in determining the growth of these populations over the 20 year period.

2.  Given the low population abundances in these 2 populations, population biologists are considering 2 possible approaches to try to enhance long-term population growth (i.e. for the next 50 years).  The first option involves capturing 400 penguins from a third, larger population and transplanting 200 into each of these 2 small populations.  This could only be carried out once to avoid depressing the third population.  The second option is to patrol the area more frequently to reduce disturbances by tourists and poachers as well as pollution effects on the populations such that the penguin populations have a lower mortality rate.  Funding will only allow for one option to be carried out.  Which option would you recommend?  Using the basic models of population growth, would you expect either of these 2 options to be effective in providing for a long term increase in these penguin populations?  Explain.

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