† Decoupling motion and deformation measurements in carotid artery { Caleb, Ethan }
† The mysterious π/4 singularity: connexion to time dependent solution break-down
† Non-linear diffusion in heterogenious media: generalised curvilinear coordinates { Muriel, Maya }
† Turbulence near ingress to landfill wells: optimisation of collection efficiency
† Landfill-well flow coupling in perforated horizontal wells { Seth }
† Singularities in weakly compressible flow through a porous medium { Kate, Mahendhar }
† Modelling head losses at the ingress into a horizontal landfill well { Nikhil, Istafa }
† Controlling surface flux in landfill-well coupled flow in perforated horizontal wells { Mehrdad }
† Visualisation of ideal gas flow in a porous medium: broken axial symmetry { Michelle }
† Modelling turbulence in landfill gas flow: ingress into a horizontal well { Abhishek, Mehrdad }
† Regularity corridors in anisotropic porous medium flow: power law dependence on permeability { Nikhil }
† Exact solutions to non-linear diffusion equation with variable permeability: spherical coordinates { Mahendhar, Piyush }
† User interface for flow solution in landfill wells: broken axial symmetry { Piyush }
† Visualisation of anisotropic flow in a porous medium: spherical coordinates { Piyush }
† Exact solutions to non-linear diffusion equation with variable permeability: elliptic coordinates { Kate }
† Modelling turbulence in landfill gas flow: ingress into a vertical well { Prashanna, Abhishek }
† Unsteady landfill gas flow { Seth }
† Exact solutions to steady flow in a porous medium with variable permeability
† Simulation of planar flow for multiple perforated horizontal wells { Damian, Seth }
† Evaluation of a network flow model for weakly compressible flow at a DLC landfill { Alyssa }
† User interface for flow solution in horizontal wells { Oamar }
† Simulation of planar flow for a perforated horizontal well { Damian }
† User interface for flow solution in a network { Oamar }
† 1D and 2D flow solution for perforated horizontal wells
† Visualisation of flow solution in a network { Alexis }
† Concentric pipes wellhead to replace an orifice flowmeter
† Accurate flow rate estimation in a landfill well with an orifice plate
† Visualisation of flow in Columbia-Kootenay Rivers confluence
† Modelling heat transfer for fish egg hatching { Mohammed GP }
† River flow solution with realistic riverbed data { Vishnu, Michelle, Grace, Krithi, YiLin }
† Mesh refinement for river flow solution with realistic riverbed data { Michelle, Tess, Merieme, Grace }
† Schrödinger equation with fractional Laplacian { Chirag }
The Gierer-Meinhardt model is a paradigmatic reaction — diffusion system† Non-local drifting eigenvalue problem
† Bifurcations in reduced Gierer-Meinhardt system with and without anomalies
† Continuously varying anomaly index with sub-diffusion
† Continuous variation of kinetic exponents { Sam }
† Numerical simulation of anomalous reaction-diffusion systems { Ying Hung, Kate }
† Anomalous diffusion on surfaces { Khazhakanush }
† Numerical soluton for Gierer-Meinhardt reaction--diffusion model with sub-diffusion { Nehemie, Juan }
† Accurate spike shape computation with Lévy flights (fractional Laplacian) { Kyle }
† Asymmetric spike constellations with time dependent diffusivity and anomaly exponent
† Spike drift with time dependent diffusivity (integer derivative)
† Spike drift with time dependent anomaly index (fractional derivative)
† Bifurcation delay with sub-diffusion