§Journal of Vegetation Science Editors’ Award 2010 was given to Carlyle, Fraser and Turkington (2010) – For announcement see Wilson, J.B., Chiarucci, A., Chytry, M. and Partel, M. 2011. Competition, invasion effects versus invasiveness and fuzzy classification. Journal of Vegetation science 22: 1-5. PDF


*Journal of Vegetation Science Editors’ Award 2006 was given to Carlyle and Fraser (2006) – For announcement see Chiarucci, A., Collins, B., Diaz, S. and White, P.S. 2007. Experiments and field observations: Two predominant aspects of a multi-faceted vegetation science. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 1-2. PDF


Peer-reviewed journal articles (click on PDF link for reprint):



Fraser, L.H., Jentsch, A., Sternberg, M. What drives plant species diversity?  Tackling the unimodal relationship between herbaceous species richness and productivity. In Press. Journal of Vegetation Science.

Fraser, L.H., Mulac, K., and Moore, F.B.-G. 2014. Germination success of 14 freshwater wetland plants as affected by oxygen and light. Aquatic Botany 114: 29-34.

Öpik, M., Bello, F. Price, J.N. and Fraser, L.H. 2014. New insights into vegetation patterns and processes. New Phytologist 201: 383-387.

Carlyle, C.N., Fraser, L.H., Turkington, R. In Press. Response of grassland biomass production to simulated climate change and clipping along an elevation gradient. Oecologia.

Teuber, L. Holzel, N. and Fraser, L.H. 2013. Livestock grazing in intermountain depressional wetlands: effects on plant strategies, soil characteristics and biomass. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 175: 21-28.

Harrower, B., Fraser, L.H., Turkington, R. 2013. Grassland trophic dynamics in a changing world.  Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Bulletin 14: 15-16.

Wang, H-F, López-Pujol, J., Ross Friedman, C. Fraser, L.H., and Huang, G-H. In press.  What will the dam do? Assessment of plant communities and diversity status in the Poyang Lake wetland—Yangtze River Basin, China.  Collectanea Botanica.

Gilbert, A.A. and Fraser, L.H. 2013. The interacting effects of salinity and clipping on plant biomass and competition between a halophyte and a glycophyte. Plant Ecology 214: 433-442.

Fraser, L.H. and Hockin, A.D. 2013. Litter decomposition rates of two grass species along a semi-arid grassland-forest ecocline. Journal of Arid Environments 88: 125-129. PDF

Patrick, L.B., Kershner, M.W. and Fraser, L.H. 2012. Epigeal spider responses to fertilization and plant litter: testing biodiversity theory at the ground level. Journal of Arachnology 40: 309-324. PDF

Fraser, L.H. Henry, H.A.L., Carlyle, C.N., White, S.R., Beierkuhnlein, C., Cahill, J.F., Casper, B.B., Cleland, E., Collins, S.L., Dukes, J.S., Knapp, A.K., Lind, E., Long, R., Luo, Y. Reich, P.B., Smith, M.D., Sternberg, M. and Turkington, R.  In Press. Coordinated Distributed Experiments: an emerging tool for testing global hypotheses in ecology and environmental science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. PDF

Folkard, P, Fraser, L.H., Carlyle, C.N., and Tucker, R.E. In Press. Forage production potential in a ponderosa pine stand: effects of tree spacing on understory plants after 45 years. British Columbia Journal of Ecosystems and Management.

Schmidt, A.C., Fraser, L.H., Carlyle, C.N. and Bassett, E.R.L. 2012. Does cattle grazing affect ant abundance and diversity in temperate grasslands? Rangeland Ecology and Management 65: 292-298. PDF COVER PHOTO

White, S.R., Carlyle, C.N., Fraser, L.H., Cahill Jr., J.F. 2012. Climate change experiments in temperate grasslands: synthesis and future directions. Biology Letters 8: 484-487. PDF

Carlyle, C.N., Fraser, L.H., Turkington, R. 2011. Tracking soil temperature and moisture in a multi-factor climate experiment in temperate grassland: do climate manipulation methods produce their intended effects? Ecosystems 14: 489-502. PDF COVER PHOTO

Fraser, L.H. and Carlyle, C.N. 2011. Is size of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L.) patch related to the effect on soil and vegetation properties?  Plant Ecology 212: 975-983. PDF

Jones, W.M., Fraser, L.H., Curtis, P.J. 2011. Plant community functional shifts in response to livestock grazing in intermountain depressional wetlands in British Columbia, Canada. Biological Conservation 144: 511-517. PDF

§Carlyle, C.N., Fraser, L.H., Turkington, R. 2010. Using three pairs of competitive indices to test for changes in plant competition along a resource and disturbance gradient.  Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 1025-1034. PDF

Carlyle, C.N., Fraser, L.H., Haddow, C.M., Bings, B.A. and Harrower, W. 2010. The use of digital photos to assess visual cover for wildlife in rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 1366-1370. PDF

Keddy, P., Fraser, L.H., Solomeshch, A.I., Junk, W.J., Campbell, D., Arroyo, T.K., and Alho, C.J.R. 2009. Wet and wonderful: The world’s largest wetlands are conservation priorities. Bioscience 59: 39-51. PDF

Fraser L.H., Greenall A., Carlyle C.N., Turkington R., Ross Friedman C. 2009. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity of Pseudoroegneria spicata: response of stomatal density, leaf area and biomass to changes in water supply and increased temperature. Annals of Botany 103: 769-775. PDF

Patrick, L.B., Fraser, L.H. and Kershner, M.W. 2008.  “Brown” world invertebrates contradict “green” world biodiversity theory. Research Letters in Ecology vol. 2008, Article ID 694638, 4 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/694638. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Madson, E.B. 2008. The interacting effects of herbivore exclosures and seed addition in a wet meadow. Oikos 117: 1057-1063. PDF

Patrick, L.B., Fraser, L.H. and Kershner, M. 2008. Large-scale manipulation of plant litter and fertilizer in a managed successional temperate grassland. Plant Ecology 197: 183-195. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Miletti, T. 2008. Effect of minor water depth treatments on competitive effect and response of eight wetland plants. Plant Ecology 195: 33-43. PDF

Landis, F.C. and Fraser, L.H. 2008. A new model of carbon and phosphorus transfers in arbuscular mycorrhizae. New Phytologist 177(2): 466-479. PDF

Hausman, C.E., Fraser, L.H., Kershner, M. and de Szalay, F.A. 2007. Plant community establishment in a restored wetland: Effects of soil removal. Applied Vegetation Science 10: 383-390. PDF

*Carlyle, C.N. and Fraser, L.H. 2006. A test of three juvenile competitive response strategies. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 11-18. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Keddy, P.A. 2005. Can competitive ability predict structure in experimental plant communities? Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 571-578. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Feinstein, L.M. 2005. Effects of mycorrhizal inoculant, N:P supply ration, and water level on the growth and biomass allocation of three wetland plant species. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 1117-1125. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Karnezis, J.P. 2005. A comparative assessment of seedling survival and biomass accumulation for fourteen wetland plant species grown under minor water-depth differences. Wetlands 25: 520-530. PDF

Miletti, T., Carlyle, C., Picard, Landaw, A., and Fraser, L.H. 2005. Hydrology, water chemistry and vegetation characteristics of a tamarack bog in Bath Township, Ohio. Ohio Journal of Science 105: 21-30. PDF

Steer, D. Fraser, L.H. and Siebert, B. 2005. Cell-to-cell pollution reduction effectiveness of domestic treatment wetlands. Bioresource Technology 96: 969-976. PDF

Picard, C.R., Fraser, L.H. and Steer, D. 2005. The interacting effects of temperature and plant community type on nutrient removal in wetland microcosms. Bioresource Technology 96: 1039-1047. PDF

Fraser, L.H., Carty, S. and Steer, D.N. 2004. A test of four plant species to reduce total nitrogen and total phosphorus from soil leachate in subsurface wetland microcosms. Bioresource Technology 94(2): 185-192. PDF

Fraser, L.H., Bradford, M.E. and Steer D.N. 2003. Human appropriation and treatment of fresh water: a global hydrology model incorporating treatment wetlands. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 2: 174-183.

Steer, D., Aseltyne, T. and Fraser, L.H. 2003. Life-cycle economic model of small treatment wetlands for domestic wastewater disposal. Ecological Economics 44: 359-369. PDF

Steer, D., Fraser, L.H., Boddy, J. and Seibert, B. 2002. Efficiency of small constructed wetlands for subsurface treatment of single family domestic effluent. Ecological Engineering 18: 429-440. PDF

Keddy, P., Fraser, L.H. and Keogh, T.A. 2001. Responses of 21 wetland species to shortages of light, nitrogen and phosphorus. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 67: 13-25.

Keddy, P. and Fraser, L.H. 2000. Four general principles for the management and conservation of wetlands in large lakes: the role of water levels, nutrients, competitive hierarchies and centrifugal organization. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 5: 177-185.

Keddy, P., Gaudet, C., and Fraser, L.H. 2000. The effect of nutrients on the competitive hierarchy of 26 shoreline plants. Journal of Ecology 88: 413-423. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Grime, J.P. 1999. Aphid fitness on 13 grass species: a test of plant defence theory. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 1783-1789. PDF

Keddy, P. and Fraser, L.H. 1999. On the diversity of land plants.  Ecoscience 6: 366-380. PDF

Keogh, T.A., Keddy, P. and Fraser, L.H. 1999.  Patterns of tree species richness in forested wetlands. Wetlands 19: 639-647.

Fraser, L.H. and Grime, J.P. 1999. Interacting effects of herbivory and fertility on a synthesized plant community. Journal of Ecology 87: 514-525. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Grime, J.P. 1999. Experimental tests of trophic dynamics: towards a more penetrating approach. Oecologia 119: 281-284.

Fraser, L.H. 1999. The use of microcosms as an experimental approach to understanding terrestrial ecosystem functioning. Advances in Space Research 24: 297-302.

Keddy, P., Fraser, L.H. and Wisheu, I.C. 1998. A comparative approach to investigate competitive response of 48 wetland plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 9: 777-786.

Diaz, S., Fraser, L.H., Grime, J.P., and Falczuk, V. 1998. The impact of elevated CO2 on plant-herbivore interactions: experimental evidence of moderating effects at the community level. Oecologia 117: 177-186. PDF

Fraser, L. H. 1998. Top-down vs. bottom-up control influenced by productivity in a North Derbyshire dale.  Oikos 81: 99-108. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Grime, J.P. 1998. Top-down control and its effect on the biomass and composition of three grasses at high and low soil fertility in outdoor microcosms. Oecologia 113: 239-246. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Grime, J.P. 1997. Primary productivity and trophic dynamics investigated in a North Derbyshire dale. Oikos 80: 499-508. PDF

Fraser, L.H. and Keddy, P. 1997. The role of experimental microcosms in ecological research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 478-481. PDF

Fraser, L.H., Chanway, C.P., and Turkington, R. 1995. The competitive role of Gaultheria shallon on planted western hemlock and western red cedar saplings on northern Vancouver Island. Forest Ecology and Management 75: 27-39. PDF

Fraser, L., Turkington, R., and Chanway, C.P. 1993. The biology of Canadian weeds. 102. Gaultheria shallon Pursh. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 73: 1233-1247. PDF



Fraser, L.H. and Keddy, P.A. 2005. The World’s Largest Wetlands: Ecology and Conservation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.


Book Chapters:

Fraser, L.H. 2011. Adaptation to climate change in temperate grasslands. In The International Symposium on the Human Dimensions of Ecological Conservation on the Tibetan Plateau, pp 109-137. Xining, Qinghai, China.

Fraser, L.H. and Keddy, P.A. 2005. The future of large wetlands systems: a global perspective. In The World’s Largest Wetlands: Ecology and Conservation, Fraser and Keddy, eds., pp 446-468, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Keddy, P.A. and Fraser, L.H. 2005. Big is beautiful: an introduction to the world’s largest wetlands. In World’s Largest Wetlands: Ecology and Conservation, Fraser and Keddy, eds., pp 1-10, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Fraser, L.H., Carty, S., Picard, C. and Steer, D. 2004. Phytoremediation: wetland plants and their relative efficiency at treating agricultural runoff. Recent Research Developments in Crop Science 1: 379-391. Research Signpost, Kerala, India.

Keddy, P. and Fraser, L.H. 2003. The management of wetlands for biological diversity. In Modern Trends in Applied Aquatic Ecology (Ed R.S.Ambasht and N.K.Ambasht), pp 21-42, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.


Book Reviews:

Fraser, L.H. 2001. Seventh Catalog of the Vascular Plants of Ohio by T.S. Cooperrider, A.W. Cusick & J.T. Kartesz, Ohio Journal of Science 102:63.

Fraser, L.H. 1999. Plant Functional Types: their relevance to ecosystems properties and global change (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series 1) by T.M. Smith, H.H. Shugart & F.I. Woodward, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997. The Canadian Botanical Association Bulletin 32(2): 23-24.



Fraser, L.H. 1996.  Plant/animal interactions: the effects of invertebrate herbivory and productivity on plant community dynamics examined in outdoor microcosms and two North Derbyshire dales.  Ph.D. thesis.  University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England. 209 pages.

Fraser, L.H. 1993. The influence of salal on planted hemlock and cedar saplings on northern Vancouver Island. M.Sc. thesis. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. 116 pages.


Reports and non-peer reviewed publications:

Cox, M. and Fraser, L.H. 2012. Climate change and BC Range. Centre for Community and Ecosystem Ecology booklet.

Harrower, W., Fraser, L.H., Cowie, A. 2012. Storing sunshine for a rainy day: towards the development of a made-in-British Columbia carbon offset program. BC Grasslands Conservation Council brochure.

Fraser, L.H. , Larsen, K., Gardner, W. 2010. A travel through time: towards a grassland research and stewardship (GRAS) centre. BC Grasslands, Winter 2009/2010: 5-6.

Fraser, L.H. 2008. Research at TRU. BC Grasslands, Summer 2008: 8.

Fraser, L.H. 2007. 100 Mile House Industrial Hemp Project.  First Nations Development Agrologist, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. 13 pp.

Carlyle, C. and Fraser, L.H. 2007. Measure of grassland vegetative cover using digital images.  B.C. Ministry of Environment. 16 pp.

Rankin, M.L., Larsen, K. and Fraser, L.H. 2007. Implications of the effects of cattle grazing on small mammals. B.C. Ministry of Environment. 20 pp.

Jones, W.M., Harrison, B., and Fraser, L.H. 2006. Effects of cattle grazing on wetland parameters important to breeding waterfowl in the Southern Interior of BC.  Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research.  19 pp.

Fraser, L.H. and Landis, F. 2006. Wetland monitoring protocol for indicators of ecosystem health, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio.  U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service.  114 pp.

Fraser, L.H. 2004. Developing Indicators for the Assessment of Wetland Health in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service.   30 pp.


Public Announcements and Articles Highligting Research and University Service:

Interviewed by Chris Walker, CBC Daybreak, March 1, 2012, on the importance of grasslands with respect to the Ajax mine proposal (‘Mining the neighborhood’).

Donna Fleury, January 16, 2012. Ranching and carbon sequestration. An Online article published on Farmcentre.com – The Canadian Farm Business Management Council Website.

Interviewed by RadioNL, Sept 6, 2011, on Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency funding to GCC regarding Ajax mine proposal.

Robert Koopmans. 2011 (July 30). Ajax will forever change the Jacko Lake grasslands. Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News.

Pollon, Christopher. 2011 (June 22). Back home on the range: an ecologist returns to Canada to protect the wetlands and grasslands he loves. Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Innovation Canada – Showcasing research excellence in Canada. http://www.innovationcanada.ca/en/articles/back-home-on-the-range# .

Interviewed by RadioNL, May 20, 2011, on ATV use in grasslands.

Interviewed by RadioNL, Angelo Iacobucci, March 9, 2011 on Climate change research in Lac du Bois Provincial Park.

Interviewed by RadioNL, Angelo Iacobucci, March 9, 2011 on Grasslands Conservation Council.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 26, 2010 on the BC Naturalist Conference.

Interviewed by CFJC TV7, April 9, 2010 on BCKDF award.

Interviewed by local Kamloops Radio on BCKDF award, April 9, 2010.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 10, 2010.

Newspaper article in The Omega, Wednesday, October 11, 2009. ‘First two MSc. In Environmental Science students graduate TRU’.

Interviewed by CFJC TV7 on Midday News, September 5, 2009, regarding CRC renewal.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, September 29, 2009. ‘Exceptional TRU research renewed as CRC’.

Gayton, Don. 2009. Grazing, grass, and climate: unpacking the relationships. LINK FORREX 10(4): 3.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, March 31, 2009.

Hebert, Percy (Editor) 2009. Discover – News from TRU Faculty of Science, Spotlight on Faculty. Winter Edition 2008/09, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 5.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, September 25, 2008, ‘Kamloops carbon-tax supporters to advise government, educate public’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, June 4, 2008, ‘TRU hopes for Chinese in new program’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 19, 2008, ‘$1-million grant to help research region’s industry’.

Interviewed by local Kamloops Radio and by Kamloops Dails News regarding my appointment to the Citizens’ Conservation Council on Climate Action in September 2008.

Interviewed by CFJC TV7 in Kamloops regarding a research agroforestry project in March 2008.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, January 22, 2008, ‘Student’s award a credit to TRU’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, January 18, 2008, ‘TRU student joins elite circle’.

Leech, Susan. 2008. What’s new in rangeland research? Highlights of projects funded through the Forests Investment Account – Forest Science Program. Beef in BC 22(5): 19-20.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, May 19, 2007, ‘Root of all weevil; six-legged terminator helps ranchers battle imported plants’.

Thorne, Susan. 2007. FIA-FSP aims to develop knowledge and deliver results on riparian issues. LINK FORREX 9(2): 6-9.

Newspaper article Kamloops Daily News, April 18, 2007, ‘Master’s program approved for TRU’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 14, 2007, ‘TRU students study cattle grazing habits’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, March 19, 2007, ‘TRU faculty hope to master the arts: Program aims to get university’s first graduate degree in arts’.

Interviewed by local Kamloops Radio regarding a research project involving visual screening in grasslands in March 2007.

Interviewed by CFJC TV7 in Kamloops regarding the launch of TRU’s MSc in Environmental Sciences in March 2007.

Shaughnessy, Karlie. 2006. Environmental studies graduate program. Insidetru: people, programs & perspectives. Volume 5, issue 2 – spring 2006: 8.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 24, 2006, ‘Researcher on the hunt for seized grow-op equipment’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, April 24, 2006, ‘Educator turns up the heat on climate research’.

Skogland, Diana. 2005. A unique university developing original programs. Insidetru: people, programs & perspectives. Volume 4, issue 3 – October 2005: 1.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, July 27, 2005, ‘Province writes cheque for local grassland study’.

Newspaper article in Kamloops Daily News, December 7, 2004, ‘Greenhouse gets green light: UCC receives $300,000 in provincial and federal funding for complex’.

Newspaper article on CRC appointment to TRU in Kamloops Daily News, April 16, 2004, ‘UCC researcher to focus on wild land restoration’.

Interviewed by Akron Radio regarding Iraqi wetlands in October 2002.



Fraser Lab